South Yarra Training Tips


Stress, Anxiety, Trauma! What??? These terms didn’t really apply to me growing up, out west, in a hardened and emotionally repressed culture, while racing motocross on a dirt bike! Well, at least not until I began to suffer with intense bouts of nervousness and worry. Then it became real! That was my lead into learning about stress, anxiety, trauma. It wasn’t really a fun way to learn! Though, I got curious very quickly.

Hi, I am Marlon Walker, and as a young adult, I suffered with extreme anxiety and severe panic attacks and from that time onwards I began practicing breathing techniques, like progressive relaxation and meditation. The truth was, I didn’t ever want to feel anxious again and meditation or breathing practices helped me clear the nervousness, anxiety, and stopped me having panic attacks. Breathing practices and meditation became a part of my everyday life, as I very much appreciated feeling calm and relaxed.

Most days I would do some form of meditation to clear myself. Also, from around the time I had anxiety, I studied Sports Massage and started working as a massage therapist. This was another reason I regularly performed breathing exercises and meditation, as I found that when I touched people during massage, I needed to clear myself after doing the massage as I picked up transference energy. I found deep breathing exercises really helped with this.

Breathing exercises actually helped me overcome my anxiety.

Once again I furthered my education and did a Breathwork Practitioner course. This was really amazing for me. I already loved meditation and breathing exercises, so I suppose it was just an advancement of where I already was.

Being a Remedial Massage Therapist and an avid meditator, made it so much easier for me to understand this deeper healing work that I began learning. It was a massive head start, and the fact that I was someone that had experienced anxiety and panic attacks myself (as fear can be so incredibly scary), I was really born to do this type of breathing, healing work, I believe.

The type of Breathwork that I use in my sessions with people and do personally, is a  gentle, Heart-centred Breathwork. It’s a deeper form of healing. I can confess that BREATHWORK is “MEDITATION on STEROIDS!” Heart-centred Breathwork is an embodied type of Breathwork and I can tell you not all Breathwork is equal. Your instructor or guide does have an influence on how much you actually process in a session! If the instructor doesn’t know how to process you then it’s much harder to get a result, a breakthrough (a breakthrough is a deeper understanding you get from a Breathwork session about your issue)! Though, it is your session, and your journey, meaning you have to go through it yourself.

Breathwork is amazing for stress, anxiety & trauma relief. You can have stress, anxiety, trauma in your life, and sure you choose to do talk therapy (though this is worlds away from proper Breathwork), and this may help, though stress, anxiety, trauma are really just labels and you are going to need to go under these labels to really get to the source of the issues. When we go under these labels, then you are going to find that there are stories (thoughts) that are related to the issues, labels, and under these are feelings and emotions, and these are going to have to be cleared.

Emotions are energy, and they are an independent source of energy from thoughts. Meaning, you can change your thoughts, though you still have to move through the emotions to overcome the stress or anxiety that you may be feeling. Sometimes, we can have thoughts that generate mind emotions, and this can drive the stress or anxiety we may be feeling, though we can also have emotions that are generated in the body in response to the physical experiences we have in our lives.

I have a few different Breathwork programs that could really help you with your stress, anxiety, trauma! These programs are truly life changing!

If you would like to chat further to see if Breathwork could help you with your life challenges, then BOOK a no obligation FREE 30 MIN DISCOVERY SESSION,   where we can chat deeper! I would love to help you! Click the link above and book a time.