personal trainer South Yarra


Hi my name is Marlon Walker and I am a personal trainer at Sports Optimum in South Yarra. There are many benefits from having regular weekly personal training. For one, having your own personal trainer is going to push you along to achieve a goal, whatever that might be. Maybe you might not of even had one, however with a good personal trainer in your corner, you would definitely have a goal. Having a goal is purely individual and will of course be different for each and every person.

Goal setting in any field when you’re working hard to achieve a desired result is a necessity and helps motivate and push you further than your willing to go. If you didn’t have something to aim for, then you could quite possibly lack the motivation to put in the time and effort needed to achieve your best result.

When thinking of a goal, you have to remember a goal is not a need, as there is no inspiration in a need. However, there is inspiration in want! When choosing your goal you have to pick a goal that you’re emotionally involved in. You should be on fire with your goal; fuelled with your own desire. You should be in love with your goal. The bigger, the better the goal. If there were no limitations whatsoever, what would you want to do? Success in itself is having a worthy goal to strive for.

Having regular personal training, along with having a worthwhile goal will give you laser focus and bring the best out in you, motivating you to push further than you would of, if you were left to just train on your own, with no goal. When you have the right goal you will know and feel good about it! Even though you can’t see the change, you must commit to the change. Remember, “Anything is possible!”

At Sports Optimum in South Yarra when doing personal training, we highly recommend that you have a goal! A goal that you love! A goal that fuels your desire!

Marlon Walker (Personal Trainer)
Sports Optimum